Thursday, January 27, 2011

Trip Cologne Cathedral, Cologne, Germany

boomerscafe travel
My first trip Cologne was early December with friends and it was cold. Christmas shopping was their main purpose and I just tack along for a ride. We found free parking space but a long walk across the bridge over the Rhine River. The trip was purely shopping trip and I’d like to break off and explore on my own but too risky, I might have to walk home by myself. I have to come back again later when the weather get warmer. Köln is German name for Cologne. First I think of Cologne is a perfumed liquid. For person with perfume enthusiasm, the traditional house in Glockengasse is the birthplace and home of the world famous brand 4711 Cologne is a city of western Germany on the Rhine River north of Bonn. It took us less than three hours to drive from Ramstein. I don’t have the latest navigation system but I have old fashion map and good navigator with good eye sight. My better half is well qualified for the job. I always ask her to perform the navigation task and it is my strategy to avoid being blame when we get lost. (Note: Don’t try this at home, very risky strategy and probability of succeed is almost zero). This 2000 years old city has a lot to offer and you need more than one day to see. Our destination is the Cologne Cathedral; it is a Gothic church, started in 1248, and completed in 1880. It houses the Shrine of the Three Kings that supposedly contains the relics of the Three Magi. We walk around the old town after the church and walk along the Rhine. There are plenty of restaurants if you feel hungry. Please don't forget to bring your photo camera with you! Web site should provide additional information of these historical site and artifact.


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